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Important Message - Intro



Ehksch: The Lorde Qu'Ahrt, a title held by one who has demonstrated mastery in the technique of bringing back the dead via the use of powerful language. They have bandages wrapped around every limb, however these bandages are covered by tattered, worn formal scholarly dress.

Whuye: A person with a blank expression and various bandages wrapped around their head. They are wearing plain, simple clothes. They are devoted to Lorde Ehksch, believing that they myst tell the Lorde something important.


A study, books line every stable surface where they could be put, and individual pages are torn out to be placed on the walls. Several calendar pages litter the floor as well, depicting years in which it would be impossible to live past as a normal human.

Important Details:

There is a cracked photograph of Ehksch and Whuye in the center of the stage, unacknowledged by either of the characters. The pages on the wall, as well as dealing with Qu'Ahrt, detail a sort of operation in which 'concepts' can be 'consolidated'.

(Begin with Ehksch standing in the middle of the room, pondering a certain section of pages upon the walls. These pages are older than the rest, marked on over again in pursuit of some knowledge.)

WHUYE: I have something important to tell you. (Approaching Ehksch from the right in a stiff manner reminiscent of marching, with their left hand stuck horizontally in front of their own neck, like the stereotypical pose of a butler or such, but higher. Their position does not change through most of the scene.)

EHKSCH: You must not tell me anything. (Waving a hand in front of Whuye's face, dismissing them.)

WHUYE: I must not tell you anything.


WHUYE: But, I have something important to tell you.

EHKSCH: Nonsense, you must not tell me anything. You must oblige.

WHUYE: Yes, my Lorde. I will oblige.

EHKSCH: Wonderful. Now I must ask of you to leave my sight posthaste. Your presence is becoming ever the eyesore, and not to speak of the disastrous lingering damage your careless assaults on my study viciously bring to my mind. (Turning away from Whuye and placing a hand over their own face, perhaps in exasperation.)

WHUYE: Yes, my Lorde. I will leave, my Lorde.

EHKSCH: Then go. (An emphasis on the last word. In an annoyed, venomous tone.)

WHUYE: Yes, my Lorde, but, I have something important to tell you.

EHKSCH: I cannot seem to fathom this obsession, however important it may be to you. It is something that has plagued you ever since...ah. (A look of realization.)

WHUYE: I have something important to tell you.

EHKSCH: Since when...since when did you develop that obsession, it seems I cannot recall.

WHUYE: I have something important to tell you.

(With a dumbstruck and surprised look, Ehksch turns back towards Whuye, pulling something out from their pocket, a small pistol.)

WHUYE: I have something important to- (Before Whuye can finish their statement, a short rings from the pistol and Whuye collapses. A rusted ring falls out of Whuye's pocket, making noise as it rolls across the floor.)

EHKSCH: I must create you again. It is evident that there are irregularities within yo- (Ehksch doubles over in pain, and begins to rapidly perform Qu'Ahrt in gasps.)

EHKSCH: Subleta, t'iani akruzh. Sh'Subleta'eth, sh't'iani, uuta'in. Ahh...Ah..

(Ehksch and Whuye rise as if nothing had happened. Ehksch makes way over to a desk on the rightmost side of the study, stepping on and breaking the picture in the middle of the stage in the process. Whuye picks up the ring.)

EHKSCH: Hm? You, what returns you to my study at this hour? You bust be well aware of how busy I am.

WHUYE: I have something important to tell you.



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