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A Word on Myself

I'm a rather pathetic girl, really. I'm not about to lay out everything wrong with me in an extended introduction, but I will need you to believe that I am pathetic. Not that it would take much to believe! That's some people's type, though, so it's not all bad. I wear being pathetic on my sleeve, it's kind of just who I am. Maybe, eventually, a vampire will come by to pick me up and take me off to a world that I wouldn't ever believe existed. This isn't a good summation of what I am, though...but if you can summarize an entire person in two paragraphs, what depth do they even have? Sure, a cursory glance is fine, but I'd rather people engage with me directly...

This site needs to be used more...I don't think I have much going for me right now, at least. I plan to fill it with a lot of my thoughts, though, so I do hope that anyone that finds this page ends up sticking around. I really like writing things, occasionally. For every article up on this site, there are probably about three unfinished or scrapped ones rotting away on my hard drive somewhere. You could maybe call me somewhat of a perfectionist, in that way. I just think of it as curation, I suppose. Whatever surfaces here is the cream of the crop, which might be a bad thing to boldly say if any of my articles turn out bad...

If you wanna get in touch with me, I have a bunch of my accounts listed and linked on the right sidebar. Though, it's probably more likely that you're here from one of those other sites than vice-versa...but it's chill. This site is like a portal to all things me.
